Business Intermediaries and Brokers To Be Featured In New Amazon Book Titled Business Selling Insights Benefiting Charity

Leading Business Intermediaries, Business Brokers, and M&A Advisors To Be Featured In New Amazon Book Titled “Business Selling Insights: Spotlights on Leading Business Intermediaries, Brokers, and M&A Experts” Benefiting Charity.

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Eric Fritzke and The Trinity Team at Keller Williams Preferred Realty, Announces the New Trinity Team Investment Advisory Division and Investment Club

The Trinity Team Investment Advisory Division provides a boutique-style, highly customized service dedicated to maximizing value for commercial real estate investors. With investor-specific goals at the forefront, they provide the expertise to ease the process of acquiring, managing, and building wealth using commercial real estate up to $5M in value. They help their clients build wealth and their bottom line using wise financial fundamentals. Eric Fritzke said, “We are excited to announce the launch of our new Investment Advisory Division and Investment Club.  We like to think of our clients,…

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Deirdre Van Nest, Creator of the Crazy Good Talks® Blueprint, Interviewed on Influential Entrepreneurs Podcast About Helping Advisors Create a Memorable Message

Deirdre Van Nest discusses her approach to helping financial professionals articulate their service offerings by making sure people “feel” their message. Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network  To thrive in today’s marketplace, Financial Advisors must learn how to capture attention and connect emotionally whenever and wherever they express themselves. Van Nest commented that “As a financial professional or thought leader, you have big goals and are on a mission to make people’s lives better. Most professionals are taught to communicate their ideas technically and academically, and they…

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