Sivonnia DeBarros, Principle Attorney of SL DeBarros Law Firm, Announces Her New Book, “What Are You Sporting About,” Aimed to Educate Aspiring, Current & Former Professional Athletes in Business

Like many in business, DeBarros had challenges. After several years of practice, DeBarros discovered that she was losing interest and her passion was no longer being ignited. To find her passion, in hopes of allowing her to live her purpose through legal representation, she commented: “I knew there was a need to educate professional athletes when I kept hearing the same story over and over again but from completely different pros about how they lost their wealth at the hands of other people. After hearing their stories, it also ignited the educator in me to say, ‘hold on… there’s a disconnect here. Why is this continuing to happen?’”

DeBarros also stated that “We can’t possibly fix what’s broken if we never understood what and why something was broken in the first place.” DeBarros continued, “I know pros need protection, but above all, they need the right guidance by the right people. I’ve made it my mission to create collaborative relationships built on trust and a common goal to educate, support, guide – and most of all – protect the pro.”

Her book, “What Are You Sporting About?” challenges the pro to make a self-evaluation by owning their own shortcomings, but then dive into ways to create a solution to their problems by finding their purpose in life so they can operate within their own greatness, creating strategic plans to help them attain wealth and keep it, and structuring their business the right team players to help them establish generational wealth.

About Sivonnia DeBarros

Sivonnia DeBarros is a first-generational lawyer and law business owner, woman in business and a former track and field Division-I College athlete. DeBarros’s practice areas are Business, Employment, Sports, and Entertainment. DeBarros is passionate about helping athletes, women, and first-generation business owners because she understands the peculiar struggle many have faced by not having the necessary support and guidance to be successful.

Additionally, DeBarros is a public speaker, entrepreneur, and published author. She authored “The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: the Roadblocks to Recovery” published in Chicago-Kent College Of Law’s Seventh Circuit’s Review Law Journal, and recently published the new Children’s Book, “JoJo Learns About Credibility,” which is the first book of her new Children Series, “JoJo’s Legal Adventures.”

To learn more about Attorney DeBarros, her firm or her publications, please visit or buy her book on Amazon

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